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You probably know by now that we put family first.

That’s why we always have few cards up our sleeve. Meaning we always have in mind our family and always prepare special gifts that will show our appreciation. We will be giving away vouchers, gifts, special surprises and even FREE TATTOOS to our family

So join our family and follow us on other social media platforms.






Feel free to stop by the
Tattoo Studio!

Based in Wien Austria, we love meeting new people and expanding our family wile having a cup of coffee with you and discussing new artwork you have in mind! We will figure something out if you don’t like coffee.

Just don’t forget to contact us and schedule your visit, we don’t want to miss you!

You can also always call us:
+43 660 7773027

Welcome to TattooStudioPK.at

The number one destination for getting yourself unique tattoo with supreme quality that you will be pleased with for the rest of your life. In our tattoo studio based in Wien, you will feel like you are at home. You will also be surrounded by beautiful ambient . State of the art equipment will make your tattooing more convenient.

© 2020 Tatoo Studio Pattos Keppos
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